
Hi Everyone,

My neighbor moved.  He “blessed” me with a few signs.  One each of Budweiser, Coors Light and Shiner Bock “tin” promotional signs.  One Henry Joseph’s mirror.  One BW Clydesdale 3.5 ft x 5 ft poster on coroplast.  Anybody interested?  I’m not looking for any money, just a home for this stuff.




I am considering purchasing a nitro tap system for the home bar/brewery.  Does anyone done this on a residential scale and/or know if there is a local (South Denver) place to fill the beer blend nitro gas?  If so, I would like to get their name so I can ask them about their requirements, allowable sizes, etc for filling or exchanging tanks so I don’t get the wrong equipment.  Thanks.


Seeking equipment for trade

Hi everyone,

A pal of mine is seeking some brewing gear. He will be joining the club in November.

He is currently doing BIAB and wants to have his own equipment. He is a auto mechanic by trade, and wants to trade his services.

Since so much of this hobby involves upgrading and updating, this trade would be perfect for somebody who needs some auto work done and has stuff to trade.

Contact me directly at and will forward your info directly to him. 





Copper Kettles

At the meeting last week, Brian Stevenson announced he had two copper kettles for sale,  I think one was twenty four gallons and one was twenty eight. They have been previously used as musical instruments.  Apparently when beaten on one end, music comes out the other.  Well, all the music has been beaten out of them and Brian thought they could be re-purposed as brew kettles.  Brian is willing to sell them for scrap value.  (bright copper is in the three to four dollar per pound range)  So if you want a cool copper kettle for brewing or you just want to get into precious metals on a homebrewers budget, give Brian a call at the CIOMIT music store in Castle Rock.  303 663-4064