Mash tun and plate chiller for sale
I have a Rubbermaid 10 gallon cooler with stainless ball valve and false bottom that I would like to sell. It has about a dozen or so batches through it, looks like new. I also have a Shirron plate chiller that has never been used and a thrumometer that likewise has never been used, both for sale.
I am about to complete a Brutus 10 project and am switching to keggles and pumps, so I don’t need the MT and I want a bigger plate chiller, a Therminator. My buddy has one of the Shirron plate chillers with the thrumometer in-line and it cools 10 gallons to pitching temp in no time. It does need to be used with a pump or gravity feed.
I would like to get $100 for the MT and $100 for the chiller/thrumometer combo. I would also take a Therminator in trade for all three items. Email me at or call 303-902-0423. Thanks!
Edit: The cooler is still available, however it is now without the FB and valve. I will take $35 for it. The plate chiller and thrumometer have been sold.