Mash tun and plate chiller for sale

I have a Rubbermaid 10 gallon cooler with stainless ball valve and false bottom that I would like to sell. It has about a dozen or so batches through it, looks like new. I also have a Shirron plate chiller that has never been used and a thrumometer that likewise has never been used, both for sale.

I am about to complete a Brutus 10 project and am switching to keggles and pumps, so I don’t need the MT and I want a bigger plate chiller, a Therminator. My buddy has one of the Shirron plate chillers with the thrumometer in-line and it cools 10 gallons to pitching temp in no time. It does need to be used with a pump or gravity feed.

I would like to get $100 for the MT and $100 for the chiller/thrumometer combo. I would also take a Therminator in trade for all three items. Email me at or call 303-902-0423. Thanks!


Edit: The cooler is still available, however it is now without the FB and valve. I will take $35 for it. The plate chiller and thrumometer have been sold.

insulated shipping boxes

At my work, we receive fish samples packed in dry ice.  They come in boxes we call “insulated shippers”.  They are cardboard boxes with styrofoam liners – about an inch thick and with a form fitting lid.  They are good for shipping beer.  There are currently six or eight available.  I’d just as soon re-use them than throw them away.  Anyone interested?  I can bring them to the next meeting.

Michael Bade

P.S. sometimes they have a faint odor of fish….