Counterflow Wort Chiller

Hi Everyone,

I’ve recently purchase a Shirron Chiller.  I’ve got a fully assembled Phil’s Chiller I’d be willing to part with.  New, the parts would go for $29.95 plus a garden hose.  I suppose if someone was willing to pay me $20 for mine, I could then pay dues for 2009.  Lemme know if you’re interested.

Nathan in parker

Erlenmeyer Flask, 2000ml – If a price seems to good to be true it probably is!

Found a great deal through Cole-Parmer on a 4 pack of 2000ml erlenmeyer flasks for starters.  With shipping they come out to $7.00 each.  I don’t need 4 so if anyone is interested in one let me know as I think I am going to place an order. 

UPDATE – called to place an order on 4 of these flasks.  Web site was incorrect, it was an each price not a 4 pack price. ( glad I called). 
