Commercial 4-Tap Kegerator

I bought a commercial kegerator from this auction site last year. I also bought a huge stock pot from this site before for a boil kettle. They always have stuff well under value. This one is a 4 tap kegerator with taps, CO2, some sanke couplers, etc. included in the lot.


Bidding just opened. I’d expect it to go somewhere between $500-$1000. Retail this thing is probably $2000-$2500


Link – 74

SHURflo Auto Siphon Transfer Pump- NEEDS A NEW HOME

Fellow Hoppers!

I have a SHURflo from my later hombrewing days that needs a good home. This is an Auto Siphoning 3gal/min pump that can draw up to 12′. It has a 145*F Max Temperature rating.

I primarily used this pump for transfering wort to fermentors after chilling and between primary and secondary.

It also works well in recirculating PBW through wort chillers for cleaning.

Used only a handful of times just prior to my career at The Rockyard.

This pump is sold for $160+ online, but can be yours for $120.


Please contact me @



Kjell Wygant AKA “Jellyman”

1/2 bbl. keg. yours. free

I’ve got a 1/2 bbl. Microstar keg in good condition.  It’s missing the ball valve and dip tube.  Would make a good keggle.  Let me know if you’re interested. free to Rock Hoppers.

Michael Bade

Turkey fryer

So my neighbor replaced his deck last month and his wife was making him get rid of his turkey fryer this weekend.  I think the two events are related.  Anyway, he offered me the turkey fryer because he thought I could boil wort with the burner.  Which I could.  But I already have several burners.  My wife told me I’m not allowed to fry a turkey with it.  (I think these wives talk to each other)  So I’ve got a turkey fryer I don’t need and can’t use.  Maybe one of you guys want it?  Michael

Reverse Osmosis System

I’ve been checking homebrewtalk and can’t find any links to RO systems. Does anyone have any recommendations for a system or links to the right one to get when living in Denver and using outdoor water?