Liquid Poetry Slam

UPDATE: Results are in…

The Liquid Poets brew club out of Ft. Collins is hosting their first annual Liquid Poetry Slam.

Entry fee is $6 per brew. BJCP sanctioned.

Drop off locations in metro Denver and Colorado Springs:

  1. The Brew Hut (Aurora)
  2. Hop To It (Boulder)
  3. Artic Craft (Colorado Springs)
  4. Stomp Them Grapes (Denver)

For more information, see the event’s webpage.

NHC Entrants

These people entered the NHC from the Rock Hoppers:

Michael Bade

Jim Denier

  • Framboise – 17F (Straight Lambic)
  • Belgian Strong Ale – 18E (Belgian Dark Strong Ale)
  • Saison – 16C (Saison)

Walt Chleva

  • Black Eye PA – 23 (Specialty Beer)
  • Head’s Hefe – 15A (German Wheat and Rye Beer)
  • Necromonicon Pale Ale – 10A (American Pale Ale)

Geoff Humphrey