Congratulations to the following Rock Hoppers for Medaling in Sweethearts Revenge!![]()
Czech Lager (13 entries)
Geoff Humphrey, 2nd, 3B: Czech Premium Pale Lager, Staring Into Stupid![]()
Strong European Beer (7 entries)
Ed Moore, 1st, 9A: Doppelbock, Tiger Dopplebock![]()
Brown British Beer (15 entries)
Matthew Johnsen, 3rd, 13A: Dark Mild, We're Coming To Get You Barbara!![]()
Belgian Ale (11 entries)
Matthew Johnsen, 1st, 24C: Biere de Garde, Gardeians of the Galaxy![]()
Belgian Single (9 entries)
James Allen, 2nd, 26A: Belgian Single, Inner Sanctum![]()
Belgian Dark Strong Ale (9 entries)
Ed Moore, 1st, 26D: Belgian Dark Strong Ale, Miss Kitty Strong Belgian Dark
Matthew Johnsen, 2nd, 26D: Belgian Dark Strong Ale, Dawn Is Coming
Michael Koehler, 3rd, 26D: Belgian Dark Strong Ale, On the dark side![]()
Pro/Am - Peculiar Ales
Matthew Johnsen, 1st, 24C: Biere de Garde, Gardeians of the Galaxy![]()
Rock Hoppers also tied for third in Club Heavy Medal!
Congratulations to everyone who medaled at Bière de Rock! Complete results are here - .
Special congratulations to all the Rock Hoppers who medaled yesterday!![]()
Best of Show, 2nd place: Will Johnson/Chris Egolf, L'etudiant, Bière de Garde
Pro-Am with Second Dawn Brewing: Will Johnson/Chris Egolf, L'etudiant, Bière de Garde
Pro-Am (back-up) with Cellar West Brewing: Jordan Stone, Tegan Tiger, Belgian Tripel
Meilleur Brasseur, 6th place: Mike Koehler
Meilleur Club de Brassage, 1st place: Rock Hoppers Brew Club
Belgian Dark Strong, 3rd place: Mike Koehler, On the Dark Side
Witbier, 1st place: Mike Koehler, Wit’s End
Witbier, 3rd place: Matt Johnsen, Witbardium Leviosa
Fuit Beer, 3rd place: Will Johnsen/Chris Egolf, Biere de Garde with Cherries
Tripel, 1st place: Jordan Stone, Tegan Tiger
Belgian Pale & BdG, 1st place: Will Johnson/Chris Egolf, L'etudiant, Bière de Garde
Belgian Pale & BdG, 3rd place: Jim Morgheim, JET Belgian Pale, Belgian Pale
Dubbel, 2nd place: Matt Johnsen, Dubbel Oh Seven![]()
Thanks to Geoff Humphrey and all the officers, judges and support staff and our awesome sponsors for another successful Bière de Rock!!
Join us for the Bière de Rock Awards Ceremony, this Saturday, 1 February, at 4 p.m. We'll stream on Facebook Live, but would love to have you come out to join us at Dry Dock/The Brew Hut, 15120 E. Hampden Ave Aurora.
Bière de Rock Awards Ceremony
Do to the potentially hazardous weather coming in, we're going to cancel this months Happy Hour.
Hope to see you all at the February meeting! Stay safe.