Rock Hoppers Brew Club Agenda
9/10/2015 6:45 PM – GRIST Brewing Company
Open Discussion, Tasting – 6:45-7:45ish
Call to Order and Welcome to New Members – Brian Pramov
President’s Report – Brian Pramov
- Buy from GRIST!
- Buy from Castle Rock Homebrew Supply
- Welcome new members – tell us who you are, how long have you been brewing, what do you like?
- Sign up for objective judging – 3 entries per meeting, one entry per person, the club’s BJCP Judges will evaluate your beer and give you feedback
- If you’re get your beer judged this meeting, don’t sign up next time, we’ll be keeping track so that everyone gets a chance to have feedback
Event Director’s Report – Justin Vandergriffe
- Bus Trip is October 10th
- Stops at Pikes Peak, Bristol, Trinity and Red Leg, eating at either Bristol or Trinity
- Leaves Denver at 10 AM
- Platte Park brewery event in early November
Competition Director’s Report – Doug Thiel
- CONGRATULATIONS STATE FAIR WINNERS!!!! – We won a total of 18 medals!
- Phil Penningroth – Silver and Bronze in European Amber Lager, Bronze in Bock, Gold in Specialty Cider & Perry
- Ed Moore – Gold in Bock, Gold in Amber Hybrid, Gold in Porter, Silver in Strong Ale, Silver in Spice / Herb / Vegetable Beer, Bronze in Smoke-Flavored & Wood Aged Beer, Gold in Melomel (Fruit Mead), Bronze in Other Mead
- Mike Bostwick – Silver in Bock (yes, we swept the Bock category, nice work guys)
- Jim Allen – Bronze in Kolsch
- Tom Thorpe – Silver in Amber Hybrid
- George Delena – Gold in Scottish and Irish Ale
- Matt Lawlor – Gold in German Wheat and Rye Beer
- Eric Gould / Brian Pramov – Silver in Fruit Beer
- Fall Intra-Club
- Put your entries on the table, they’ll be judged after the meeting
- Winners get a gift certificate!
- Biere de Rock planning is starting
- We have the beerscene website up and running
- Legal troubles ahead may force us to either cancel or postpone the competition by a few months
- It was discovered that the State Agency responsible for Liquor Enforcement is enforcing a rule that prevents anyone but the brewer from transporting homebrew, meaning we can have only one collection point, and judging must occur where the homebrew is collected.
- Upcoming competitions are also in jeopardy from the same legal issues
- St Patrick’s Fall Homebrew competition
- Entry is FREE
- St. Patrick’s Brewery will produce sweet unhopped wort, you pick it up and make beer with it
- Wort available on October 2nd
- Dropoff at the brewery
- Email Chris@stpatricksbrewco.com to enter
- Winner brews a variant of their beer at the brewery
- Vail Big Beers, Belgians and Barleywines
- Registration opens October 1st
- $7.00, 3 bottles 12 oz or larger
- Ship to competition definitely available, drop-offs may be affected by above legal issues
- Orpheus Mead Cup
- Register by hand when dropping off or shipping entries
- http://www.orpheuspcc.org/orpheus-meadfest.html
- Dropoff between 8/31 and 9/28
- $10.00 per subcategory (can have two different meads in the same category, only $10.00)
- Categories 24 A, B, & C, 25 A, B, & C, 26 A, B & C
- Drop off at JK Liquors in Lakewood, Quirky Homebrew in Northglenn, or Ship (see website)
- Great American Homebrew Challenge
- CANCELLED Due to the above legal issues
- 9th Annual KROC Great American Beer Challenge
- CANCELLED Due to the above legal issues
- Sower’s Cup
- Lincoln Nebraska – hosted by the Lincoln Lagers Homebrew Club (they submit a bunch of entries to Biere de Rock, we should reciprocate!)
- 2008 BJCP guidelines, including mead and cider, plus “Sower in the Rye”, and “No Workaround Decoction” special categories, with Pro-Ams
- http://www.lincolnlagers.com/sowers-cup/
- Also need judgest!
- October 2nd / 3rd
- Entries can be shipped (see website), or dropped off in Lincoln
- Registration open through September 18th
- $7.00 / entry
- Big event, including guest speakers, beer dinner, and many other things
- St Patrick’s Fall Homebrew competition
Communication Director’s Report – Robert Kausch
- The order for the glasses has been decided, based on the survey we posted online
- We will be doing the 16 oz standard Belgian glasses, with no gold rim.
- The official order form will be passed around tonight, and if you forget, contact me and I’ll add you.
- If you sign up today, please pay today.
- Grandstand only ships full cases, with a minimum order of 48 glasses. Based on the survey feedback, we will likely order a total of 60 glasses
Treasurer’s Report – Mark Jeffries
- Current registration count – 45 members
- Insurance has been purchased
- Current Account Report
- Raffle tonight – buy tickets
- Bourbon Barrel, GABF Ticket
Education – George Delena
- Discussion of Tripel and Golden Strong categories