April 2008 Meeting Minutes

Rock Hoppers Brew Club
Meeting Minutes
April 10, 2008
Rockyard American Grill and Brewery
6:00 PM

In attendance: Greg, Michael, Izzy, Jason B, Jason K, Kelly, Justin, Dallas, Kjell, Geoff, Jim D

1. Call to Order – 6:08 PM by Kjell Wygant

2. President’s Report – Kjell Wygant

  • Open invitations to the brew club – we’re a small and “loose” club, which makes us different from the other, more established clubs in the area. We have some great opportunities to have some fun in the future.

3. Communications – Geoff

  • Website is now up and running on a temporary server.

Domain name has been secured.

  • Geoff will be looking into permanent web hosting space and the costs associated with it.

4. Events – Izzy Kalinchuk

  • April 19: Great Divide/Wynkoop/Sranahan Distillery Tours – click here for more.
  • May 3: Big Brew Day – click here for more.
  • Working on a trip out to Golden to tour the largest (Coors) and the 2nd largest (Golden City Brewery) breweries in Golden.
  • National Homebrewer’s Competition entries were due April 11. Five Rock Hoppers had indicated that they will be entering to be a part of nearly 700 entries from the Old West region.
  • May 17: Scott Smith’s Spring Fest. More information to come.

5. New Business/Announcements

  • Greg Geiger announced that the AHA needs judges and stewards badly for the first round judging on April 26th. Contact Scott Jackson at snowtiger87@comcast.net to help out!

6. Open Discussion and Tasting

7. Adjourn at approximately 9:00.

8. Next meeting: Thursday, May 8, 2008.

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