Next Rock Hopper Meeting is January 15th!

lRock Hoppers Brew Club Agenda

Thursday, January 15, 2015 6:45 PM – Castle Rock Homebrew Supply

Call to Order and Welcome to New Members – Geoff

President’s Report – Geoff

  • Support Castle Rock Homebrew Supply.  Buy your ingredients and equipment tonight!
  • Elections coming up in March think about positions and potential nominations
  • Discussion of Issues/Recommendations/Education Topics to make your club better 

Event Director’s Report – Jeff

  • Possible River North Brewery Tour
  • Possible side trips to other local breweries (Epic, Crooked Stave, OMF, Mockery, Beryl, etc)
  • Tentatively scheduled for February/March
  • NHC conference is in San Diego and registration is coming up soon.

Competition Director’s Report – Brian/Billy

  • Prior Competition:
    • Big Beers
      • Doug Thiel: 3rd Place Belgian Pale Ale
      • Billy Beeson: 1st Place Baltic Porter
      • Greg Geiger: 2nd Place Imperial Stout
      • Brian Pramov: 2nd Place Fruit Beer
      • Bryan Keas: 1st Place Specialty Beer
      • Ed Moore: 2nd Place Strong Scotch Ale, 3rd Place Dopplebock, and HM Baltic Porter
  • Current Competitions:
    • Biere de Rock
      • Need Volunteers to help sort, judge, steward, etc.
      • Sorting Saturday January 17th (Need Volunteers!)
      • Judging Sunday January 18th Saisons (Need 2 Judges!)
      • Main Competition Saturday Jan 24th (Need Volunteers – Stewarts)
    • Intraclub
      • Big Beers (over 8% ABV)
  • Future Competitions:
      • Peterson AFB (due Jan 23)
      • Sweetheart’s Revenge (due Feb 6)
      • Dreadhop (due Feb 6)
      • Mazer Cup (due March 6)
      • Brew Hut (due March 15)
      • Peak-to-Peak
      • NHC

Communication Director’s Report – Bryan

  • Still recovering from Big Beers just agenda today…

Treasurer’s Report – Phil

  • We are in good shape
  • Over 50 paid members, exceeding our goal!

Education – Jim

  • Jim unable to attend meeting
  • Round Robin Beer Q&A

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