February 2017 Meeting Agenda

Rock Hoppers Brew Club Agenda

2/9/2017 6:45 PM – C.B.& Potts

President’s Report – Rob Kausch

  • Welcome new members!
  • Buy stuff from C.B. & Potts, Rockyard, and Castle Rock Homebrew!
  • Sign up a friend – Recruiting a new paid member will earn you a free entry into the 2018 Biere de Rock competition!
  • Officer Nominations for 2017
    • According to bylaws:
      • Any member can be nominated for Competition, Communications, Education, Events and Treasurer positions
      • President – Must have formerly held an officer position within the club
      • Treasurer – Must be willing to serve for a 2 year term (all others are 1 year commitments)
    • Verbal nominations tonight – all members encouraged to nominate themselves or other members if interested
    • Votes will be cast via secret ballot at the March 2017 meeting

Event Director’s Report – Mike Bostwick

  • VIP Tour at Breckenridge Brewery – Littleton
    • Tuesday, February 28th @ 5pm
    • 20 total spots available
    • Sign up online at rhbc.co/event/2017brecktour
    • We will open registration for members to invite spouses and guests if spots still available after Feb 10th

Competition Director’s Report – Jim Allen

Mike Bostwick – Gold, Trappist Single – Table For 1 – BOS – Pro-Am: CB&Potts

Mike Bostwick – Bronze, Wild Specialty Beer – Joshua’s Tree

Matt Lawlor and Co-Brewer: Geoff Humphrey – Silver, Biere de Garde – Fetchez La Blonde – Pro-Am: Jagged Mountain

Ed Moore and Co-Brewer: Mike Bostwick – Gold, Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer – Sparkles Hibiscus Saision – Pro-Am: Bruz Beers

Jim Allen and Co-Brewer: Daniel Croll – Bronze, Witbier – Pour Me Another Wit!

Jim Allen – Silver, Belgian Blond Ale – Suicide Blonde

Jim Allen – Bronze, Brett Beer – Life On The Farm

Brian Fehrle and Co-Brewer: Brian Pramov – Bronze, Belgian Tripel – Brians Be Tripelin’

Eric Gould and Co-Brewer: Phil Whited – Gold, Wild Specialty Beer – Red Star

Geoff Humphrey – Gold, Biere de Garde – Fetchez La Vache

James DeValois, Honorable Mention, Biere de Garde – Candlegarde

  • Interclub Competitions
    • March 2017: “Stout”
    • June 2017: TBD
    • September 2017: TBD
    • December 2017: TBD

Communications Director Report – Eric Gould

  • Glassware is available today
  • $6 per glass; Cash, check, card, or paypal (online)

Treasurer’s Report – Mark Jeffries

Education Director’s Report – Brian Pramov

  • Blending Beer

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