Archive – 2020-2021 Intra-Club Competitions

2020-2021 Season

May 2020 – Buddy Brew Sign Up

Buddy Brew: The Clone Wars sign up has closed. The deadline was June 10, 2020.

June 2020 – Buddy Brew Teams

Teams for Buddy Brew have been announced via email to participants. Judging will take place at our October meeting pending favorable state health guidelines.

July 2020 – Quarantine Brews 

Show off what you’ve been brewing during the COVID-19 Pandemic Quarantine.  The fine print: Open to all beer, mead and cider styles.  Must have been brewed between our last in-person club meeting (March 12, 2020) and our next in-person meeting (hopefully July 9, 2020). Please bring at least 36oz to share for judging.  Judging will be people’s choice style.

August 2020 – Fantasy Brewing Draft

This year, the draft was held live via Zoom on Thursday, August 27, 2020. Participants submit their resulting brews for judging on November 1, 2020.

October 2020 – Buddy Brew: The Clone Wars

Our annual Buddy Brew competition. As in years past, brewers newer to the club will be paired with veteran club members.

Like all other iterations of Buddy Brew, teams will be designing and brewing a beer together. Each Buddy Brew team will brew a beer in an attempt to clone a commercially available one. For example, a team might attempt to clone Avery IPA or Ska’s Mexican Logger or Funkwerks Tropic King or Guinness Export Stout. The sky’s the limit here, with one caveat…

At the October meeting, each team must bring at least 36 ounces of the beer they attempted to clone along with their version. This will allow members to compare the cloned concoction with the original. The winning team will be the one that receives the most votes for being the most similar to their declared commercial example.

2020’s teams are:

  • Chris Egolf and Geoff Schideler
  • Walt Chleva and Pat/Scott Ludwig
  • Jim Allen and Eric Tuin
  • Doug Thiel and John Webber
  • Tom Thorpe and Bruce Ferguson
  • Mike Bostwick and Jim Morgheim
  • Matt Lawlor and Brad Gay
  • Rob Kausch and Rich Davis
  • Greg Terpay and Eric Gould
  • Dax Rush and Peter Baggus
  • Ed Moore and Randy Freeland
  • Geoff Humphrey and Dustin Krohnfeldt

Winning Team: Walt Chleva and Pat and Scott Ludwig with their Boulevard Tank 7 clone.

November 2020 – Fantasy Brewing Draft Beers

Those participating in the RHBC Fantasy Brewing Draft compete with their Fantasy “team” creations. The winner, judged by a panel of experienced and BJCP judges, will receive 70% of the Fantasy Brewing buy-in kitty, the runner up will receive 30%. The popular vote winner at the meeting will receive a special prize.

Participants must brew a beer with only the seven ingredients they drafted:

  • 1 malt variety
  • 1 hop variety
  • 1 yeast variety
  • 1 adjunct/spice/sugar/fruit
  • 3 “flex” ingredients of any category (malt, hop, yeast, adjunct/spice/sugar/fruit)

1st Place: Jim Morgheim with his Juniper Ale
2nd Place:  Brad Gay with his Breakfast Stout
3rd place:  Ed Moore with his Scottish Export

December 2020 – Big Beers and Belgian-Style Ales

Biere de Rock Logo

In preparation for Biere de Rock and the Big Beers homebrew competition (unfortunately, the Big Beers homebrew competition will not take place in 2021; Biere de Rock is tentatively planned to take place as scheduled).

All entries should be true to the declared style. Fruit/spice/veg/wood variants acceptable.

  • Category 4C – Munich Helles
  • Category 6C – Dunkles Bock
  • Categories 9A-C – Doppelbock, Eisbock, Baltic Porter
  • Category 10C – Weizenbock
  • Categories 17A-D – British Strong Ale, Old Ale, Wee Heavy, English Barleywine
  • Category 20C – Imperial Stout
  • Categories 22A-D – Double IPA, American Strong Ale, American Barleywine, Wheatwine
  • Categories 23B-F – Flanders Red Ale, Oud Bruin, Lambic, Gueuze, Fruit Lambic
  • Category 24A-C – Witbier, Belgian Pale Ale, Biere de Garde
  • Categories 25A-C – Belgian Blond Ale, Saison, Belgian Golden Strong Ale
  • Categories 26A-D – Trappist Single, Belgian Dubbel, Belgian Tripel, Belgian Dark Strong Ale
  • Category 27 – Sahti or other Historical Beer with 1.070 min OG
  • Categories 28A-C – Brett Beer, Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer, Wild Specialty Beer (1.070 min OG)
  • Categories 29A-C – Fruit Beer, Fruit and Spice Beer, Specialty Fruit Beer (1.070 min OG)
  • Categories 30A-C – Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer, Autumn Seasonal Beer, Winter Seasonal Beer (1.070 min OG)
  • Categories 31A-B – Alternative Grain Beer, Alternative Sugar Beer (1.070 min OG)
  • Categories 32A-B – Classic Style Smoked Beer, Specialty Smoked Beer (1.070 min OG)
  • Categories 33A-B – Wood-Aged Beer, Specialty Wood-Aged Beer (1.070 min OG)
  • Categories 34A-C – Clone Beer, Mixed-Style Beer, Experimental Beer (1.070 min OG)

March 2021 – Irish-Inspired Beers

Get off your Blarney Stone and fire up the brew kettles!  We’re looking for the club’s finest Irish-inspired beer!  Entries will be due by 10:00 am on Saturday, March 6th.  The winners will be announced during our March 11th club meeting.

Brew Hut gift cards awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place!

1st Place:    Matt Lawlor with his Irish Red Ale
2nd Place:  Mike Bostwick with his Irish Extra Stout
3rd place:   Matt Lawlor with his Irish Stout