Archive – 2021-2022 Intra-Club Competitions

2021-2022 Season

June 2021 – The Boil Rumble

We’re looking for one or two club members to represent the club for Melvin Brewing’s Boil Rumble!

What’s The Boil Rumble, you ask?

Each year, Melvin Brewing looks to homebrew clubs to put forth their best representative brews. The winner will be crowned the Boil Rumble Champion. Then, Champion and Runner-up will be invited to Melvin’s brewery in Alpine, Wyoming to brew their winning recipes – Champion’s beer will be canned and distributed nationwide.

If you’re interested in putting forth a brew to represent our club, submit your best and brightest beer to our Boil Rumble Intra-club Competition.

  • Entries Due June 13, 2021 (drop-off information to come).
  • Intra-club competition winner(s) will be announced at the June 24, 2021 Hopper Happy Hour.
  • Per Melvin, no barrel-aged beers or wild ales.
  • Melvin prefers a turnaround time of 4 weeks (professional scale), maximum.

What will you brew?

October 2021 – Buddy Brew

Buddy BrewOur annual Buddy Brew competition is continuing in 2021 for its 9th consecutive year.

Each year, we pair up a veteran member with a more fresh face to the club for a collaboration. Buddy Brew teams activate their collective brewing powers to craft a tasty elixir and compete against other teams head-to-head.

This year, teams will be brewing up some Seasonal Adjunct Beers – you know, those beers with some tasty non-malt fermentable sugars and spices.

Members, sign up here before June 7, 2021 to participate!

November 2021 – Fantasy Brewing Draft Beers

Those participating in the RHBC Fantasy Brewing Draft compete with their Fantasy “team” creations. The winner, judged by a panel of experienced and BJCP judges, will receive 70% of the Fantasy Brewing buy-in kitty, the runner up will receive 30%. The popular vote winner at the meeting will receive a special prize.

Participants must brew a beer with only the seven ingredients they drafted:

  • 1 malt variety
  • 1 hop variety
  • 1 yeast variety
  • 1 adjunct/spice/sugar/fruit
  • 3 “flex” ingredients of any category (malt, hop, yeast, adjunct/spice/sugar/fruit)

December 2021 – Big Beers and Belgian-Style Ales

Biere de Rock Logo

In preparation for Biere de Rock and the Big Beers homebrew competition.

All entries should be true to the declared style. Fruit/spice/veg/wood variants acceptable.

  • Category 4C – Munich Helles
  • Category 6C – Dunkles Bock
  • Categories 9A-C – Doppelbock, Eisbock, Baltic Porter
  • Category 10C – Weizenbock
  • Categories 17A-D – British Strong Ale, Old Ale, Wee Heavy, English Barleywine
  • Category 20C – Imperial Stout
  • Categories 22A-D – Double IPA, American Strong Ale, American Barleywine, Wheatwine
  • Categories 23B-F – Flanders Red Ale, Oud Bruin, Lambic, Gueuze, Fruit Lambic
  • Category 24A-C – Witbier, Belgian Pale Ale, Biere de Garde
  • Categories 25A-C – Belgian Blond Ale, Saison, Belgian Golden Strong Ale
  • Categories 26A-D – Trappist Single, Belgian Dubbel, Belgian Tripel, Belgian Dark Strong Ale
  • Category 27 – Sahti or other Historical Beer with 1.070 min OG
  • Categories 28A-C – Brett Beer, Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer, Wild Specialty Beer (1.070 min OG)
  • Categories 29A-C – Fruit Beer, Fruit and Spice Beer, Specialty Fruit Beer (1.070 min OG)
  • Categories 30A-C – Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer, Autumn Seasonal Beer, Winter Seasonal Beer (1.070 min OG)
  • Categories 31A-B – Alternative Grain Beer, Alternative Sugar Beer (1.070 min OG)
  • Categories 32A-B – Classic Style Smoked Beer, Specialty Smoked Beer (1.070 min OG)
  • Categories 33A-B – Wood-Aged Beer, Specialty Wood-Aged Beer (1.070 min OG)
  • Categories 34A-C – Clone Beer, Mixed-Style Beer, Experimental Beer (1.070 min OG)

March 2022

To be determined.