January 2009 Meeting Minutes

Call to Order

  1. Meeting called to order at 6:49 pm
  2. 17 in attendance: Kjell Wygant, Geoff Humphrey, Kelly Kruegel, Jason Kruegel, Chris Egolf, Tom Bell, Ryan Church, Nick Black, Aaron Bush, Jim Stinson, Jacob Harres*, David McHugh*, Carl Kopp, Greg Geiger, Michael Bade, Ward Argust, Justin Marz

Officer Reports

  1. President – Kjell Wygant
  2. Events – Izzy Kalichuk
    1. Breckenridge meet-up and brewery tour in January – date will be posted to the website.
    2. Oskar Blues tour – arranging to get the “Blues Bus” to shuttle us to Lyons for a tour and tastings.
  3. Communications – Geoff Humphrey
    1. Website updated with latest happenings including the Osiris Brewing Contest, Big Beers in Vail, Bourbon Barrel II, logo glasses purchasing, etc.
  4. Treasurer – Geoff Humphrey
    1. Bank account opened with 1st Bank. Will have check writing and Internet banking ability. Treasurer will provide balance at every meeting.

New Business

  1. Election Procedures
    1. Tabled until February
  2. Elections: March 2009
    1. Tabled until February
  3. Club Only Competition – March 2009 – Beers with an OG of > 1.080
    1. Bring a beer to be judged and
    2. Provide two properly labeled bottles just in case you win (use the BJCP Bottle ID and Recipe Entry Forms)
    3. To enter the contest, you MUST sign up on the COC Entry Judging event page.
  4. National Homebrewers Convention, Oakland, CA, June 18-21, 2009 – RHBC representation
    1. Greg Geiger volunteered to head up organizing committee.
    2. Need to act fast: all rooms blocked off for the convention at the main and back-up hotels are full.
    3. Greg and committee will investigate transportation and lodging costs.
    4. Convention cost is $230 for AHA members for unlimited access to convention activities.
  5. Pro-Am at GABF – Jim Stinson
    1. Rockyard will sponsor a pro-am entry of a homebrew recipe.
    2. Beer must be commercially available.
    3. Need to have beer judged by July.
    4. Kelly Kruegel will look into the logistics of possibly hosting a competition to judge a winning recipe.
  6. Double Red Second Runnings – Jim Stinson
    1. On Tuesday, January 20 the Rockyard will be brewing a Double Red. All members of the club are welcome to take away the second runnings of the mash.
    2. RHBC will hold an internal contest similar to Iron Brewer using these second runnings as the base of a homebrewed beer.

Old Business

  1. Bourbon Barrel Brew(s) Update – Greg Geiger
    1. Still need  20 gallons of stout to fill up the barrel.
    2. Greg will contact the brewers who haven’t brewed the stout yet to confirm their brew dates.
  2. Big Beers, Belgians and Barleywines
    1. Hoppers entered 22 beers in 12 different categories – rusults pending.
  3. RHBC logo pint glasses
    1. After the sale at the meeting, there are only 28 left. Sign up to get yours today.
    2. You MUST be at the next meeting or have sent your money to Geoff to get your glasses.

General Tasting and Open Discussion

  1. 9 beers were brought for the tasting:
    1. Jacob – Scotch Ale
    2. Dave – Stout
    3. Kelly and Jason – Little Dragon IPA
    4. Kjell – Three Story Plunge Tripel
    5. Nick – Spruce Beer
    6. Adam – American Wheat IPA
    7. Tom – Doppelbock
    8. Justin – IPA
    9. Ward – Brown Porter
  2. Winner of the evening: Adam’s IPA


  1. Adjourned at 9:30 pm.

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