May 2019 Meeting Agenda

Rock Hoppers Brew Club Agenda

04/11/2019 6:45 PM – C.B. & Potts, Highlands Ranch

President’s Report – Mike Bostwick

Our Mission

RHBC is the premier Colorado homebrew club dedicated to pursuing and pushing the limits of creativity, art and science of brewing through continuing education, collaboration and the development of community. We always strive for brewing excellence and encourage the development of all brewers in our club in the pursuit of a most excellent brew. 

The Value of Being a Rock Hopper

  • Education
  • Resources
  • Networking
  • Collaboration
  • Community
  • Inspiration

Welcome New Members!

Tell us a bit about yourself:

  1. Your name and where you’re from
  2. How long have you been brewing?
  3. What do you like to brew?
  4. What would you like to learn?

Pay your dues, pay your tabs, BUY RHBC SWAG!

Support our local partners and beer-related businesses owned/operated/brewed by Rock Hoppers Alumni:

  • 105 West Brewing
  • Bruz Beers
  • C.B. & Potts
  • Castle Rock Homebrew Supply
  • Prost Brewing
  • Lone Tree Brewing
  • Rockyard
  • Know any more?

Sign up a Friend

Recruiting a new paid member will earn you a free entry into the 2020 Bière de Rock competition in January.

Deep Thoughts …

  • We’re a homebrew club – bring your homebrew to meetings for sharing and feedback. Share it at the end of the meeting so you can be attentive and respectful to those presenting
  • We love sharing commercial beers, and will look to schedule bottle share activities, but don’t bring to meetings

Rock Hopper Pro-Am Page

Recognize and celebrate your success!

Promote your beer tapping, GABF pouring day, etc.

AHA Registration/Renew Link

We received a $140 rebate from AHA this year for club insurance – thank you members.


Anyone have a brewing-related milestone from the last month or two they’d to share  (e.g., first all grain batch, totally kickin’ recipe creation)? Let’s talk about it.

Event Director’s Report – John Webber

Big Brew Day 2019 – Recap

Upcoming Festivals

May Hopper Happy Hour

  • Thursday, May 30 – 6:30p: 38 State

Upcoming Hopper Events

  • July 12-14: Salida Brewers’ Rendezvous + Campout with Brew Bros of COS
  • Summer Bike Tour: Route TBD
  • September/October: Fall Bus Trip: preliminary route I-70 W (Golden, Idaho Springs, Evergreen)

Keep up-to-date on all events on the website calendar.

Competition Director’s Report – Geoff Humphrey

Visit the competitions page for complete competition listings.


A new spin on an old idea…

  • Starting in June, members are invited to bring brews to the meeting to be formally evaluated by a member who is a BJCP certified judge.
    • Bring 1 or 2 bottles of each brew – please limit to 1 brew for the time being.
  • Your brew will be evaluated using a standard BJCP scoresheet.
  • Totally anonymous.
    • Judges will not know whose brew they are evaluating.
    • Brew will be assigned a number and will be sent home with a judge.
  • Judges have committed to evaluating the brew within 1-2 weeks of receiving it at a meeting.
  • The Competition Director will distribute the completed scoresheet(s) to you.

Past Competitions

April 21 and 27, 2019 – Eight Seconds of Froth Homebrew Competition – Cheyenne, WY

  • 2nd place – Heavy Medal Club!
  • Jim Allen
    • 1st – Wheat Beer – Dunkles Weissbier – “Noch Ein Bier…Bitte” – ProAm with Gruner Brothers Brewing
    • 2nd – Dark British Beer – Oatmeal Stout – “The Dark Side”
  • Dan Croll
    • 2nd – Spiced Beer – Winter Seasonal – “Santa’s Gingerbread Cookie Stout”
  • Geoff Humphrey
    • 2nd – Pale Malty European Lager – Helles Bock – “Helles Awaits”
    • 2nd – Pale Bitter European Beer – New Zealand Pilsner – “Box of Fluffies”
    • HM – Wood and Smoke – Wood-Aged Beer – “Stalin’s Skidmarks”
  • Ed Moore
    • 1st – Dark and Strong European Beer – Baltic Porter – “Miss Kitty Baltic Porter”
    • 3rd – Brown British Beer – Dark Mild – “Rhonda English Mild”
    • 2nd – Strong British & American Ale – Old Ale – “Rhonda Old Ale”
    • 3rd – Strong British & American Ale – English Barleywine – “Rhonda English Barleywine”
    • 2nd – Belgian Ale – Biere de Garde – “Rhonda Biere de Garde”
    • 2nd – Wood and Smoke – Rauchbier – “Rhonda Rauchbier”
    • 3rd – Mead – Sweet Mead – “Sparkles Metafoam Mead”
    • HM – Mead – SHV Mead – “Sparkles Horchata Mead”
  • Dax Rush
    • 1st – Belgian Ale – Witbier – “Can I Get a Wit-ness”
    • 1st – Strong Belgian Ale – Belgian Blonde – “Pimpin’ Ain’t Easy”
  • Phil Whited
    • 1st – American Wild Ale – Wild Specialty – “Random Precision” – Co-Brewer: Eric Gould
    • 2nd – American Wild Ale – Wild Specialty – “Yesterday’s Triumph”

April 27, 2019 – Reggale and Dredhop Homebrew Competition – Boulder, CO

  • Jim Allen
    • 1st – Dark European Beer – Oatmeal Stout – “The Dark Side”
    • 1st – Trappist Ale – Trappist Single – “Inner Sanctum”
  • Mike Bostwick
    • 1st – Pale Bitter European Beer – German Pils – “Achtung Baby”
  • Ed Moore
    • 2nd – Dark European Beer – Baltic Porter – “Miss Kitty Baltic Porter”
    • 1st – Meads – Melomel – “Sparkles Blood Orange Mead”
    • 2nd – Meads – Braggot – “Sparkles Wit Braggot”
    • 3rd – Meads – SHV – “Sparkles Horchata Mead”
  • Jim Morgheim
    • 1st – Fruit Beer – “Strawberry Blonde”
  • Dax Rush
    • 2nd – Strong British Ale – English Barleywine – “Great Things Come Out of Bung Holes” – Co-Brewers: Brian Pramov, Eric Gould, Mike Bostwick, Phil Whited, Ed Moore, Rob Kausch
    • 3rd – Strong British Ale – Wee Heavy – “Carey Wee Heavy”
    • 3rd – Wood Beer – Specialty Wood Aged Beer – “One Night in Bangkok” – Co-Brewers: rian Armstrong, Tom Thorpe, Chris Egolf, Ken Anderson, Harry Filas, Tyler Derrick, Jim Allen, Mike Bostwick
  • John Webber
    • 2nd – Pale Bitter European Beer – Kolsch – “Is it Kliche or is it Kolsch”
    • 3rd – IPA – Specialty  IPA – “Jeff Sessions’ Session”

Upcoming Competitions

May 18, 2019 – Capitol Creek Brewery Homebrew Competition – Basalt, CO

  • Entry Fee: $7.00 for the first, $5.00 each additional
  • Entry Limit: 4 per entrant
  • Entry Deadline: 04/19/2019
  • Entry Drop-off/Mail: CCB Homebrew Competition – 371 Market Street, Basalt, CO 81621
  • Bottle Required: 2 12 ounce, 1 22 ounce
  • All beer styles
  • Pro-Am: Capitol Creek Brewery

May 18, 2019 – Making a Mockery – Denver, CO

Mockery brewed up a virgin wort (un-hopped, single malt) and distributed to a limited number of home brewers/home brew clubs.

The first place winner’s recipe will be scaled-up and brewed by Mockery on their 15 barrel system. The winner’s club is also invited out for the brew day.

  • Entry Drop-Off: 05/18/2019 at Mockery

May 19, 2019 – Cheluna Brewing’s Lucha de Chelas – Aurora, CO

  • Entry Fee: $7.00
  • Entry Deadline: 05/09/2019
  • Entry Drop-Off: 05/11/2019
  • Bottles Required: 2
  • All BJCP beer styles
  • Pro-Am: Cheluna Brewing Company

Intra-Club Competitions

Treasurer’s Report – Jim Morgheim

Pay your dues.

Education Director’s Report – Rob Kausch

BYOB (Build Your Own Brewery)

Tasting and Socializing

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